Tortodrone Migration!

Since the troubles with the last Tortodrone Migration, Spiral HQ established a monitoring station in the Ancient Grove. Recon Knights there report an increase in activity and suspect the Fiends have returned to the Grim Gates. Spiral HQ is sending you to investigate!

Gather intel and Fiendish Glyphs from Fiends in the Clockworks. Explore the Ancient Grove and collect Ancient

The Summer Solstice Has Returned

Spiral HQ is having their annual celebration of the sun during these long summer days. Through June 27, 2023, the Haven Treasury is offering Solstice Prize Boxes.

In these boxes, you may find the following items:

- Variant Tickets

- Crest of Summer / Crest of Winter

- Wings of Summer / Wings of Winter

- Sunshine Aura

- Snowfall Aura

- Crown of Winter / Crown of Summer

- Buckets of Snowballs

- Buckets of Bloons

- Jar of Fireflies

Each Solstice Prize Box also includes confetti and has a bonus chance of including one of the following: Bucket of Bloons, Bucket of Snowballs, Golden Slime Coins, 2-day trinket slot upgrade or to get a Jar of Fireflies.

Raiders Return to the Core!

Hail knights, well met!

Have you ever wanted an axe because a sword just wouldn’t do? How about a Runed Hammer and a matching Buckler? Spiral HQ has released some new gear for you stouthearted knights to go berserk over.

The Raiders box contains items such as:

  • Firestorm Skeggox (sword)
  • Squall Caller (sword)
  • Winter's Edge (sword)
  • Raider Buckler (shield)
  • Winter Raider Helm
  • Squall Raider Helm
  • Firestorm Raider Helm
  • Winter Raider Tunic
  • Squall Raider Tunic
  • Firestorm Raider Tunic
  • Raider Accessories

Don't drop your Asgard! Stand ready to plunder items and gear that will help axecute your toughest foes. Remember, never walk away from Haven ahead of your axe and sword. You can't feel a battle in your bones or foresee a fight.

The Return of the Harvester!

We have confirmed that the Apocrean Harvester has returned once again. Spiral HQ needs your help!

From now through June 4th, travel onto the Grasping Plateau full of trapped souls and phantom-like monsters. In a maze-like graveyard, knights will find the Apocrea trapping and collecting souls. This sinister being will pursue any who enter the Grasping Plateau hoping to add to the collection. Work together to free souls and find Apocrean Sigil tokens which can be used at the Obelisk of Creation to craft Obsidian weapons and the Grasping Aura.

You don't want to get caught out there alone--definitely bring your friends with you on this mission, and try not to lose sight of them!

Happy Birthday Spiral Knights!

It’s time to pick up your cleaver and slice some cake. Help Biscotti, the Skylark's Head Chef, avoid disaster in two special missions - Total Caketastrophe and A Gremlin in Knead. Through April 16th, fight Creep Cakes and Batterbots to earn Cake Slice tokens, then visit Maskwell in Haven Town Square to exchange your tokens for:

- Cake helms

- Anniversary Prize Boxes

- Other party accessories

Keep your eye out for fun items in the depot, and auction house!

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